Know your Flexo: Comparing all the flexo style crab flies

Comparing Flexo Crabs


Using a mesh tube body for the shell of a crab fly is one those rare ideas that was truly unique when the original Flexo and Alphlexo Crabs were created. With a permeable “crab shell”, this style of crab fly is a great solve for getting the wider surface area of crab flies to sink straight and to sink quickly.

The international crab

Bonefish and permit guides from Mexico to the Seychelles recommend, no actually they demand, that you bring Flexo Crabs on your trip. But flexo style crabs are not high on the list for American guides.

Merkin country

We believe this is because the Merkin which originated in the Florida Keys has engrained itself as the foundation for American crab flies. Almost all of the crab flies recommended by guides for permit in the Keys over to redfish in Louisiana and up to stripers in the Northeast are some kind of variation/evolution of the Merkin or Toad.

Try it at home

The point is that if you want to spice things up for your homewater crab eaters, try a Flexo! You won’t read about Flexos as staple flies for Biscayne Bay bonefish or Jacksonville flood tide reds, but fundamentally these little permeable crustaceans can be incredibly effective in the right situations.

And of course don’t disappoint your guides around the world when they ask you to bring Flexo crabs on your trip!

Which Flexo to buy

Our fly suppliers have come up with several variations of the Flexo Crab over the years. In the video above and in the section below we go over the differences between them.

Standard Flexo Crab

Standard Flexo Crab

Just a perfectly well-tied crab. With its chenille claws and legs it has the profile and definition of a crab. About the size of a nickel. See video above for better size reference.

Flexo Crab

Flexo Crab

It’s all about the movement from the legs and hackle. Perfect for situations where you want the fly to drop and work in the current without stripping it much.

Micro Flexo Crab

Micro Flexo Crab

Exactly like the Standard Flexo Crab just shrunken down. Perfectly sized for bonefish and flood tide redfish. About the size of a dime. See video above for better size reference.

Alphlexo Crab

Alphlexo Crab

Similar to the Standard Flexo Crab but with longer legs and mottled with marker. With more going on it's best in slightly cloudy/off-color water.

Fiddler On The Reef

Fiddler On The Reef

Similar concept to the Alphlexo, but with a big old "strongarm" claw. For better or for worse, this one is difficult to ignore.

Trigger Flexo Crab

Trigger Flexo Crab

Exactly the same as the Standard Flexo except tied on a super stout hook suitable for wire cutter mouthes such as those on triggerfish and parrotfish.

EP Soft Shell Crab

EP Soft Shell Crab

The longer profile, chartreuse accents, and rubber legs make this an eye catching little crab, perfect for schooling bones or reds with lot's of competition for food.

EP Descedent Crab

EP Descedent Crab

With the weight placement closer to the eye of the hook and claws splayed around the bend, this crab drops into the fighting position. It's our favorite for fish actively driving their faces into the ground looking for crabs.

Tie your own Flexo Crabs

The Flexo Crab tying kit has everything you need to learn to tie the Flexo Crab. Master it then start adjusting size and color to where you fish.

Flexo Crab Materials Kit
Flexo Crab Materials Kit Original price was: $54.71.Current price is: $49.24.

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