Kendrick’s Bama Crab is the bottom of the food chain for a redfish (that’s a good thing). This larger Kwan variation has the impressionistic profile and movement to fool fish in clear and off-color water. Pay attention to how Cory splays the rubber legs as it’s an easy way to keep your bug clean and simple, and to get more movement out of your materials.
This fly in sand and tan also makes a great larger bonefish fly and jigging permit fly.
Bama Crab Materials:
- Hook: Umpqua S506 – #2
- Thread: Ultra Thread 210 Denier – Fl Fire Orange
- Eyes: Double Pupil Lead Eyes – Sm Fl Orange/White/Black
- Tail: Pseudo Hair Olive
- Egg Sack: Senyo’s Fusion Dub – Eat a Peach
- Collar: Senyo’s Fusion Dub – Fishmas
- Body: EP Fibers 3D – Olive
- Body: EP Fibers 3D – Blue
- Weedguard: Mason Hard Type Nylon 20 lb