Product listing instructions
Step 1: Locate the product in spreadsheet
The following spreadsheet contains each product that needs to be listed along with the Manufacturer URL, and Base SKU Term (BST).
Step 2: Locate the variations in the Product Pull page
Navigate to the Product Pull page in the WP Dashboard.
Step 2.1: Search for the BST
In the search bar of the Product Pull page, enter the Base Sku Term from the spreadsheet.
These are the variations you will be adding in Step 9.2
Step 2.2: Locate the product's category
Under the "Product Name" column, all of the data in front of the last ":" indicate the product category and hierarchy.
For example:
Tying Supplies:Eyes:Easy Shrimp Eyes XS Trans Smoke
The main category is Tying Supplies, the sub category is Eyes
You will will need the category data for steps 4 and 6.
Step 3: Product name
Enter the product name from the spreadsheet into the product name field.
Step 4: Product description
Prompt ChatGPT, Grok, Gemini or your favorite AI Large Language Model to: Write a product description with 5 key features for the *main category* - *product name*
In the example from step 2.2, your prompt would be: Write a product description with 5 key features for the tying supplies - easy shrimp eyes
Copy and paste the output of the description into the product description field. Save the output of the key features for step 5.
Step 5: Product short description
Copy and paste the HTML below into the product short description field. Enter the key features from step 4 between each li tag.
<h3 class="ole-product-features-title"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i> Features</h3> <ul class="ole-product-features-listwrap"> <li class="ole-product-feature"></li> <li class="ole-product-feature"></li> <li class="ole-product-feature"></li> <li class="ole-product-feature"></li> <li class="ole-product-feature"></li> </ul>
Step 6: Product category
Match the category information you found in step 2.2 to the checkboxes in the product category field.
The words will not always match perfect, use your best judgement.
In the example from step 2.2, the category information from the Pull page is Tying Supplies:Eyes. You would check the boxes for the category Fly Tying Materials and the sub category Eyes.
Step 7: Decipher the Product brand
Use the Manufacturer URL to decipher the brand that made the product.
To continue with the Easy Shrimp Eyes example, the Manufacturer URL is:
You can see from the linked website that the manufacturer is Hareline.
Step 7.1: Brand logo
In the Brand Logo field, click Add Image and search for: *brand*-logo-prod-pg
In the example above you would search for: hareline-logo-prod-pg
Click select to add the image to field.
Step 7.2: Brand URL
Navigate to the front end of
Find the brand you're looking for under the Brands tab of the main menu.
Copy the link to that brand's page and enter it in the Product Brand Link Field
Step 7.3: Enter Brand as Tag
In the Product Tag field, type in the Brand name and select all that apply if there are extended brand tags.
For example, for the Easy Shrimp Eyes you would just select Hareline as the tag. But for a Patagonia shirt you may select Patagonia, Patagonia Men's Shirts
Step 8: Product image
Use your best judgement to grab the image of the product that you would like like to use as the featured image of the product. In the Easy Shrimp Eyes example, we'll use one of the combination images.
Use your favorite photo editing software to make the image a square, preferably 1000px 1000px. Then upload the image to the featured image field and enter the Product Name for the Description and title.
Step 9: Creating variations
Select Variable Product from the Product Data field.
Step 9.1: Match variation attributes
Match the Description column of the Product Pull page for each variation (see step: 2.1) to the variation on the manufacturer's website.
For example: the description column of the Product Pull page says: Easy Shrimp Eyes XS Trans Smoke
The corresponding product from the Manufacturer's URL is Easy Shrimp Eyes Transparent Smoke Grey X-Small
Sometimes you will need to use your best judgement to make the appropriate match.
For example: the description column of the Product Pull page says: Easy Shrimp Eyes XS Trans Mid P
The corresponding product from the Manufacturer's URL is Easy Shrimp Eyes Transparent Midnight Purple X-Small
Step 9.1.1: Enter the attributes
In the Attributes tab of the Product Data field, click Add New attribute, name the new attribute field: Style
For each variation you've matched up in step 9.1, enter the manufacturer's name for the variation without the parent product name. Separate each attribute with a | symbol.
Referring to step 9.1, if those were the only variations your attribute box would look like this:
Transparent Smoke Grey X-Small | Transparent Midnight Purple X-Small
When you're done click Save Attributes.
Step 9.2: Create all variations
In the Variations tab of the Product Data field, click Generate variations and click Ok on the prompt that asks if you would like to generate all variations.
Step 9.3: Upload variation images
For each variation grab the image of the product variation from the Manufacturer's URL.
Use your favorite photo editing software to make the image a square, preferably 1000px 1000px. Then upload the image to the Variation image field.
Step 9.4: Enter SKU
For each variation enter the entire Description column of the Product Pull page into the SKU field of the variation.
Step 9.5: Enter price
For each variation enter the Price column of the Product Pull page into the Regular Price field of the variation.
Step 9.6: Manage stock
For each variation click the Manage Stock checkbox and enter the Quantity column of the Product Pull Page into the Stock quantity field of the variation.
Step 9.7: Map to QuickBooks product
For each variation, copy and paste the Description field of the Product Pull page into the select box for the QuickBooks Product field of the variation.
Step 9.8: Save the variation
Click Save Changes under all the variations in the Product Data tab.
Step 10: Enter SEO Information
Copy and paste the product name into to the Focus keyphrase field of the Yoast SEO Premium field group.
Then copy and paste the product description into the Meta Description field of the Yoast SEO Premium field group
Step 11: Publish
You've completed a full product listing! Hit publish and move on to the next product!