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GTF Hurricane Relief Martinez Boxes

Guide’s Trust Foundation – Hurricane Irma Relief Fund

Soon after the passing of the storm we got to discussing relief efforts with Jorge Martinez. Together we wanted to formulate an easy way for the angling community across the globe to directly help those in need while at the same time providing something of value and a token of gratitude to those who donate. Jorge got to work and the results are these eight Cliff Bugger Beast fly boxes. Complete with all the emotion and inspiration we expect from J Martinez artwork.

Though the hype and news coverage of Irma’s devastation may be winding down, the job is not done. There are still anglers/guides/families in need of assistance during the rebuilding process. Every cent of each relief box sold goes to the Guides Trust Foundation – Hurricane Relief Fund. This fund is part of a comprehensive strategy by the GTF, Florida Keys Guides Association and Lower Keys Guides Association to provide relief for and benefit those directly impacted by the storm. Rebuilding is an ongoing process but every donation helps and when the keys are firing on all cylinders everyone benefits. We thank you for your support.

Keys Guides Relief Fly Boxes
Jorge Martinez Hurricane Relief Fly Box Tarpon Sunrise Interrupted CTA
Martinez Hurricane Relief Box Tarpon Roll CTA
Martinez Hurricane Relief Box Permit Fans CTA
Martinez Hurricane Relief Box Permit Grind CTA
Martinez Hurricane Relief Box Redfish Bull Ride CTA
Martinez Hurricane Relief Box Redfish Dual Spots CTA
Martinez Hurricane Relief Fly Box Bonefish Mantis Meal CTA
Martinez Hurricane Relief Fly Box Bonefish Shallow Shenanigans CTA