Showing 1–16 of 420 results
Showing 1–16 of 420 results
When everything goes right, from the cast down to the leader setup, it’s the fly that’s the final catalyst in the fish’s decision-making process. Sure you’ll run into happy hungry fish that’ll eat whatever crosses their paths, but these aren’t the fish that drive our obsession with fly patterns. It’s the picky, the weary, and the smart lot who need the right color & size fly moving exactly how they want it before they open their mouths that’ll tell you what a fly is worth. It’s these fish that keep us on our toes always on the lookout for innovative new bugs to add to our large fly selection of classic and modern trusted patterns.
From material quality to design and performance, the companies who forge our flies make no compromises. Enrico Puglisi, Flymen Fishing Company, Fulling Mill, Just Add H20, Montana Fly Company, Rainy’s Flies, and Umpqua Feather Merchants produce some of the best flies to ever hit the water. Their flies are designed from experienced, and sometimes legendary fly tiers and anglers. Pattern designs go through extensive testing to make sure they act the way they’re intended to before they’re produced. Our selection also features a special handful of our own flies tied in-house as well as flies tied by passionate grassroot tiers.
Whether you need to match the hatch or stand out from the crowd, every fly has a purpose and you can never have too many flies. This may be you now, or you in a few years, but if you’ve ever hung out with someone who’s been fly fishing for a long time you’ll notice they have flies coming out of their ears. Flies in the boat, in the truck, in the garage, in the kitchen, in the bathroom. It’s the product of the addiction to trying new flies to improve results, it’s the product of returning with a new offering to the shoreline where you previously couldn’t feed the redfish, it’s a sign of stripes earned. From bonefish flies to sailfish streamers, the reason behind each fly in our selection comes from knowledge and experience, as well as knowledge and experience from guides and professionals who have fished nearly every body of water imaginable. Our obsessed fly fishing experts are ready to help you cultivate your box from saltwater flies for Florida to trout flies for Montana. Getting one fly you’d like to test qualifies for the same fast free shipping as getting a hundred flies to restock on your favorite patterns.