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3D Eyes



(2 reviews)
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  • Three dimensional half dome eye
  • Standard eyes for baitfish patterns
  • 50 eyes per pack except 3/8″ (40 per pk) & 7/16″, 1/2″, 9/16″, 3/4″ (30 per pk)
SKU: 3D Eyes Categories: , Tag:

An absolute must for baitfish patterns
3D Eyes are three dimensional half dome eyes that we use on a lot of our baitfish patterns. The backs are perfectly flat with a glue that keeps the eye in place while you position it. We use Loctite gel super glue to hold in place on both natural and synthetic materials. Hitting the edges with Clear Cure Goo Thin or Loon Flow adds extra durability.

Free the fibers

OFFS Folding Fiber Comb

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Snip wire, save scissors

OFFS Angled Flush Cutters

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Recommended with 3D Eyes

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4.5 out of 5 stars

2 reviews


What others are saying

  1. The “eyes” gave it.

    flatsfish (verified owner)

    Worked very well when I added them to a Mickey Finn streamer I tied the other day. Easy to attach with Loon thin uv glue.

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  2. Raven eyes

    Bill Curtis (verified owner)

    Purchased the eyes to use on Halloween ravens. Bought the 1/4 inch red 3D. They were not quite 1/4 inch but I was able to use them. Look pretty good.

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