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How To Tie: Flexo Crab

Difficulty: difficult

75% difficulty

Time: 15-20 minutes

70% timely

Cost: average

average cost
About these metrics

Imitates: crab

Target species: bonefish, permit

Where to fish: flats

Notes: Modify colors to match any small crab

Save 10% on materials with the kit:

Flexo Crab Materials Kit
Flexo Crab Materials Kit
#2 Tan
Original price was: $54.71.Current price is: $49.24. 1 in stock

About the fly:

The origin of this fly is a little mysterious, we believe this variation that we’ve tied for the video is Alphonse Atoll (Seychelles) guide Alec Gerbec’s version redubbed the Alphlexo Crab. While the original Flexo was tied by New Orleans guide Richard Whitner with rubber legs and hackle claws as opposed to chenille.

What’s not mysterious is the effectiveness of this little crab. We like the chenille legged version for the realistic profile and movement, especially for permit. We also carry the hackle version from Fulling Mill, and can see (being that it was originated by a New Orleans guide) how the seductive movement of the hackle would be a trigger for redfish.

Either way the permeable body allows the fly to sink quick and true, as well as to track straight. Permit from the Caribbean to the Indian Ocean can be seduced by the Flexo Crab.

Helpful tools/additional materials:

For burning the tips of the chenille:

Recommended ties:

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