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RIO Premier Flats Clear Floater



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  • Available in both Clear Floating Tip and Full Clear options, for maximum saltwater stealth
  • Built with RIO’s Flats Pro taper for maximum versatility on the flats
  • For the clear tip: color change marks the transition from head to running line, giving the angler a visual cue for when to pick up or shoot

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The RIO Premier Flats Clear Floater fly line which includes the full clear line and the 6ft clear tip floating line adds some stealth to your arsenal. It eliminates the need for a long leader, and allows the angler to land flies closer to the target without spooking the fish.

The Full clear option is available for the angler looking for the maximum in saltwater stealth while the subtle seafoam head color behind the 6ft clear tip helps the angler and guide track the location of the fly throughout the retrieve for a perfect combination of stealth and angler visibility.

Built with RIO’s classic Flats Pro taper, this fly line combines a mid-length head and a short, powerful front taper, designed to efficiently cast typical saltwater flats flies. This unique design makes quick casts to moving fish easy while also enabling longer shots when you need to reach out to distant fish on the flats.

The Premier Flats Clear Floater also includes x2 RIO Fly Line Cleaning Towelettes in the box. When fishing for elusive permit, bonefish, and other skinny water gamefish, every shot matters and keeping a line clean and shooting like new is the best way to capitalize on each opportunity.


Weight Head Length Total Length Grain Weight (1st 30')
WF7F 49' 100' 210gr
WF8F 49' 100' 240gr
WF9F 50' 100' 280gr
WF10F 50' 100' 330gr
WF11F 50' 100' 380gr
WF12F 50' 100' 430gr

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