Behold the material to make a great trout fly.
The material you are going to want when tying the “Mop Fly”. The Mop Chenille is a durable woven stand that is fluffy. Multiple colors allow you to dial in exactly what you to match.
Behold the material to make a great trout fly.
The material you are going to want when tying the “Mop Fly”. The Mop Chenille is a durable woven stand that is fluffy. Multiple colors allow you to dial in exactly what you to match.
CHARLES ISELY (verified owner) –
great chenille, I have been using it on all of my crappie since I bought it
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salvatore cutone –
How do you deal with the cut end that’s not tided down to keep it from unraveling
Also do you carry Aquateko Invisaswivel for 25 lb test….Thank You
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Mike Mastropasqua –
A little drop of zap-a-gap on the very end, before it dries you can use your fingers to roll it just a little bit underneath the glue to round the end.
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