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Barred Saddle Hackle



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  • 11 Colors to choose from.
  • Supple flow-like movement.
  • Great for all salt and fresh water applications.
  • Stiff barbs.
  • perfect for collars and tails.

One of the most versatile and most desired materials in saltwater fly tying
These natural material Barred Saddle Hackle are just so easily used in so many patterns in the saltwater fly fishing world. Similar to the standard Saddles Hackles, these black bars are used to create depth and more movement in your flies without adding a additional step. Use them for tails, Palmer them for collars, make a single lateral line with them, even trim a few hackles for a tails for perdigon style nymphs for trout flies. Size and length may vary from pack to pack due to the natural feathers.

Free the fibers

OFFS Folding Fiber Comb

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Snip wire, save scissors

OFFS Angled Flush Cutters

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Recommended with Barred Saddle Hackle

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  1. Question

    Hank Snow

    How much is in the pack of the Barred Saddle Hackle

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