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Adhesive Backed Furry Foam



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  • Heavy duty adhesive on one side, Furry Foam on the other
  • Cuts easily with scissors or River Road Cutters
  • Makes great Rag Head Crabs
  • One 2″ x 6″ sheet
SKU: Adhesive Backed Furry Foam Categories: , Tag:

Makes great crab bodies and tails
Adhesive Backed Furry Foam is perfect to building crab patterns. One side is classic Furry Foam and the other a super sticky adhesive. These cut well with River Road Cutters and can be glued together for a two-toned look. Try cutting into tail shapes for Bass patterns. The Adhesive Backed Furry Foam with be more buoyant the the rest of your fly so it will “stand up” and wiggle in the current.

Free the fibers

OFFS Folding Fiber Comb

$5.99 | in stock

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Snip wire, save scissors

OFFS Angled Flush Cutters

$8.99 | in stock

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Recommended with Adhesive Backed Furry Foam

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  1. Question

    Ed Opler

    Do you have FurryFoam in tan.?

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